What Orabbix actually keep under his control: DBVersion (and relative validity of package) Archive ( archive log production with relative trend) EventWaits (monitor Files I/O,single block read, multiblock read, direct path read,SQLNet messages, Controlfile I/O,LogWrite) HitRatio (monitor Hit Ratio on Trigger, Tables/Procedures, SQLArea,Body) Logical I/O (monitor Logical I/O values of : Current Read, Consistent Read, […]
[aslideshow effect=”random” play=true playframe=false controls_play=true] [/aslideshow]
Finally i’ve done a logo of Orabbbix! please feel free to give any kind of feedbak
I’ve published a page that describe my alertlog monitoring tools. This si in reply to all people that was asking for my alert log monitoring system please go on this page:
Hello to everyone, I finished reading the book, and finally I come back to write as promised this review. What about this book, as first thing the work of publishing, design and layout is impeccable, like any other book of Packt Publishing. They are professionist, therefore makes no sense to add words on this. It […]
Continue reading about some thoughts about this wonderful book