I’ve released a new version of Orabbix. actual improvements are: 1) Added retry on ZabbixSend items and values (max 10 times) , increased socket timeout to 30 sec. 2) Now exception are managed better and is less verbose i’ve revisited all loglevel to clean the software Actually this daemon keep monitored 43 Oracle instances on […]
Here there is a slide show of all Orabbix Graphs available at 0.4 release: Archivelog DBVersion Event Waits HitRatio Logical I/O Phisical I/O PGA SGA Shared Pool Session/Process Sessions [slideshow]
Orabbix is becoming every day more stable 🙂 I’m using this on production servers on RedHat EL 5.3 , with zabbix server 1.6.6, if someone can try on zabbix server 1.8.1 i’ll be happy to receive a feedback. On this release: Modified the version query now return : – DB_NAME = <dbname> – INSTANCE_NAME = […]
In this new release : fixed trouble with connection, now if a database is unavailable will be removed and on next loop the daemon try again to get connection and execute query etc.. added dynamics configuration features, if you add a database this will be used on next loop. added a new parameter ZabbixDaemon.MaxThreadNumber on […]
Hi to everyone, in this release there are some correction, i’ve removed some dead code, and in particular added this new item: a new query to inspect user locked as LOCKED(TIMED) and EXPIRED(GRACE) so you can receive a mail if someon lock an user on database. I consider this item foundamental to keep monitored users […]