Orabbix 1.1.0 has been released.
On this release I’ve fixed some bugs founded from JVALENZANI
Orabbix 1.1.0 has a new and mostly complete installation instruction available in pdf.
I’ve moved to more standard library. And I’ve utilized apache library.
I’ve modified query according to post
and as suggestet from Brian H. resultset is protected from null values
Thank you Brian H.
Added a parameter
<QueryName>.Period=10 that introduce a period execution between two executions of the specified query
value are expressed in minute.If not specified any value use the default value of 5 minute
Added parameter
<QueryName>.Active=[true|false] if true query is executed otherwise skipped
Added a queryfile to each databases spcified by
so each database can have his own customized parameter files.
<QueryName>.NoDataFound default value if no data found
<QueryName>.RaceConditionValue if this value match the returned from “RaceConditionQuery” QueryName is executed otherwise skipped
Software is available for download here
and on sourceforge as usual
[aslideshow effect=”random” play=true playframe=false controls_play=true]

Tags: linkedin, orabbix