A new version of DBforBIX is available for download here:


Now DB2 is again back fully supported!

We need feedbacks on this release then please feel free to share it and comment this post!

This version is a quite different version and even the configuration files are now changed unfortunately is not 100% compatible with DBforBIX 0.6.

NOTE: it is a BETA version not yet production ready and not fully tested, then please let me know in case of issues.

6 Comments on Another new beta of DBforBIX is now available

  1. littlecong says:

    The download is dbforbix-0.6.1.zip yet

  2. littlecong says:

    Does it support discovery?

  3. littlecong says:

    Thanks for your work
    I made it work for DB2 by change something like

    public static final String DB2 = “DB2”;
    public static final String DB2_VALIDATION_QUERY = “SELECT 1 FROM SYSIBM.DUAL”;
    public static final String DB2_WHOAMI_QUERY = “SELECT SYSTEM_USER FROM SYSIBM.DUAL”;
    public static final String DB2_DBNAME_QUERY = “SELECT DB_NAME FROM TABLE(SNAP_GET_DB(”,-1))”;
    public static final String DB2_DRIVER = “com.ibm.db2.jcc.DB2Driver”;

    and just one item

    #statistic of database
    lock_timeouts.Query=SELECT LOCK_TIMEOUTS FROM sysibmadm.snapdb WHERE DB_NAME LIKE UPPER(‘%sample%’)

    • admin says:

      Thank you for your feedback!!
      Actually every improvement is more than welcome!
      if you have some more suggestion please feel free to write me at info (at) smartmarmot.com

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